Try MongoDB or stick with MySQL

I am coding for a web portal that stores a lot of user data and then possibly documents. In the meantime, I am using MySQL with many relationships. I've read a lot about NoSQL and find it an interesting topic.

Are MongoDB or CouchDB ready to replace MySQL completely? Will there be a change in how Doctrine is used in my application?


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1 answer

Are MongoDB or CouchDB ready to replace MySQL completely?

Of course, many people store their entire dataset in MongoDB instead of MySQL, and they are fine.

But I don't think this is the right question. The key questions are:

  • Does MongoDB Implementation Carry Out Your System? Less requests, more flexibility, better performance?
  • Can you implement MongoDB at an appropriate scale?

MongoDB is a tool like many others and it doesn't solve all problems. In my experience, most systems are best implemented using some combination of databases. This means something like MongoDB for some data and SQL for other data.



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