Cakephp 2.0 faster than 1.3?

Since last February, my cloud provider only supports CakePhp 2.0, although six months ago they were using Cakephp 1.3, now I have to decide if I should upgrade to 2.0 or continue to use 1.3. I have read the entire official document on migration and it seems good enough. But the main issue is, is it really worth the effort in terms of speed, does cakephp 2.0 make it faster than 1.3?

I couldn't find the Cons against the new version 2.0 or benchmark or whatever, all I found is a migration tutorial, but not really convincing me why I need to migrate the form from 1.3 to 2.0.



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1 answer

This is much faster, and it should be obvious for a few simple reasons. All php4 OOP predictions have been dropped, all the code has been refactored and tweaked, most things are now lazy.

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Besides performance improvements, I would update simply because of improvements and new features.



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