Logic - checking if at least one field is not zero

I have this code and need help with the logical ending. I would like at least one field not to be null.

if(!empty($fileTypes) || !empty($fileSizes) || !empty($fileUploads) || !empty($features) || !empty($design) || !empty($other) || !empty($contact)) {
} else {
    $error = 1;



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1 answer

Yes, sorry for the following work:

$array = array();


        foreach ($_POST as $key => $value){
            if (!empty($value)){
                $array[$key] = $value;
        if (empty($array))
        echo 'array empty';//throw error
        } else {
            echo 'array not empty'; //there is a submission


EDIT: missed the closing tag in paste .... fixed



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