Any way to specify the XML string used in xsi: type = ""?

I have a class hierarchy that is serialized to XML using XMLSerialiser

. For this, I declare all specific types with [XmlInclude]

. eg.

 public class Base

 public class Derived : Base


The Derived instance is serialized as:

<Base xsi:type="Derived" />


Is there a way to change the text of the type to something other than the class name? eg:

<Base xsi:type="Fred" />



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2 answers

I think you do it like this:

[XmlType(TypeName = "Fred")]
public class Derived : Base




Use the XmlType attribute :

public class Base

public class Derived : Base


This will give you what you want xsi:type

when serializing the object Derived

with the serializer Base

. The output of my test program is:

<Base xsi:type="Fred"/>




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