Matlab GUI, need an object with handles

I am creating a GUI with Matlab manual. I am putting points with impoint and I am using addNewPositionCallback to be able to update my "list of points". One of the arguments to my update function that I provide as a callback is the "handles" object. But Matlab passes this value, so when the callback is called, I have a handle object, but it's an outdated version. I would like to have something like a pointer to a handles object.

Or more generally: I would like to access the "handle" object somewhere in the function where I don't have it as a parameter.

Edit: So I have a callback function that looks like this:

function updatePosition(pos, hObject, handles)

Which I add as a callback like this:

addNewPositionCallback(testh,@(pos) updatePosition(pos, hObject, handles));

And I have a pointer in descriptors handles.pointlist

. It should contain 5 points, but when I have a call to updatePosition for the first point, the list only contains one point: the handles don't seem to be updating, it just has a copy from an earlier time.


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2 answers

Just like javascript, matlab script can create closures as functions. This means that it can "capture" variables. You can create updatePosition in a context where you have access to the handle object. You should do it like this:

H = handles.figure1; % get the figure handle
updatePosition = @(p) get(guihandles(H)... % the guihandles(H) contains the handles structure of the figure. Do whatever you need with it.





If you build your GUI with GUIDE, handles.output will keep the main interface handles. So if you add this line to your callback:



it should update your descriptors to the current version. You can get detailed information on all of these here:



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