Log4net: creating a Logger instance

guys. I have a question regarding the use of loggers in log4net. When choosing between a logger per class (static readonly field) and a logger per instance (read-only field), which is better? Personally, the only drawback I see with having a log for each class is creating it:



It is not very pleasant because of the reflection. If I create a logger like this:



chances are I'll accidentally make copy / paste errors and instead of typeof (MyClass) I can provide typeof (SomeOtherClass) which is bad.

When using a single instance log, I can use:



This approach does not use reflection and does not contain copy / paste errors.

Are there any other thoughts on this?


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1 answer

Apart from the fact that it would be better to use dependency injection, I think your approach is good. I've used this approach in the past.



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