Additional password confirmation in has_secure_password

Is it possible to disable password confirmation in the bcrypt-ruby (has_secure_password) gem?


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3 answers

Change password validation to only work when you create an action.

validates :password, presence: true,
                     length: { minimum: 6 },
                     on: :create




If you don't want to confirm the password, you simply cannot set the: password_confirmation field and authentication will not run.

Find out more here:

Rails 4 edit : Since the introduction of strong parameters, this is no longer relevant. Just remove the confirmation field from the registration form and the parameter will not be passed.




is actually part of the ActiveModel and is not a gem in and of itself. The bcrypt gem is only used for the hash of the password_digest attribute.

The has_secure_password method is actually very short ( source here ) and contains one line requiring password confirmation:

# File activemodel/lib/active_model/secure_password.rb, line 34
  validates_confirmation_of :password
  validates_presence_of     :password_digest


So, overriding the has_secure_password method by creating a modified version in your config / initializers folder should work. Commenting out the "validates_confirmation_of" line will disable password confirmation. You can also rewrite the method, of course, to use hash parameters, as you tried to do in your question.



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