How do you read a single character from the console in R (without RETURN)?

Just started using R. As with any language, I want you to be able to quickly and quickly execute the program interactively.

I usually write something like (pseudocode)

if (char == 'q') {return}
if (char == 'a') {list.append(blah)}
if (char is anything else) {just move along}


q for quit and a for append, and they are under my left hand on my keyboard, so this is as fast as possible.

I can see in R, I can use

char=readline("Type a character and hit Enter")


but of course I need to hit enter. Is there a way to get a character in R?


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2 answers

Not a direct answer to your question, but you can use debug

to get the behavior you want . If you have a function that you want to test, the call debug(myfunction)

sets up the R debugger, so the next call myfunction()

executes one line at a time. If you hit enter inside the debugger, it will jump to the next line of the function. If you want to examine any of the data in the scope of a function, or run any other arbitrary R code, you can do that as well, since the debugger provides access to all the regular R functions.

Not exactly what you want to do with a single character request from the user, but for debugging purposes I think it is much more powerful.



One way to do this is shown in the function sudoku::playSudoku

. On windows, the function getGraphicsEvent

provides a callback for keyboard input; on other devices you can use the Tk widget.

However, the graphics device must be open.

Here's an example for windows:
        cat("you pressed a key.\n")




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