How to copy an object between 2 NSManagedObjectContext

How to copy NSManagedObject

from one NSManagedObjectContext

to another?

I have 2 different ones NSManagedObjectContext

, each with its own NSManagedObjectModel

and separate permanent store. Each of the 2 MOCs has an object named Observation

that is tied to the same Observations class.

I want to copy objects from one MOC to another. Since the objects are of the same class, I would like to simply extract the object from one MOC and store it in another. Is this possible, or do I need to insert a new object into the target MOC and then set each property one at a time?


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1 answer

You need to copy one object and paste a new one into another managed object context. You will most likely have to copy property values ​​one at a time to do this.

The reason is that all of these objects have an opaque unique identifier, so you cannot just take it from one context to another.



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