Original Java stack trace from GWT?

Is it possible for GWT to send a stack trace for Java source code after a crash, as opposed to a JS stack trace?

I am using Chrome 17.


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3 answers

It depends on which browser you are using at the time of the crash, but GWT has built functionality to emulate the Java stack trace . Make sure you compile and implement the symbol files in your war directory with js cache files.

Another option is to compile with the output style set to "Verbose" and then viewing the raw javascript in any standard javascript browser console will point you in the right place in your javascript, since almost every line in javascript refers to a fully qualified class name and method ...



It is possible to get the original stack, but you have to do Deobfuscation



We had a similar problem. It works great and with the latest version of GWT even line numbers are displayed. Pay attention to my comments for Thomas Breuer.



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