Coldfusion for PHP

I am converting an entire site from Coldfusion to PHP. So expect a lot of such questions. How to write this in PHP:

<cfif cgi.script_name contains "newsletter">



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3 answers

The second added value to strips is as follows:

    if (stripos ($ _ SERVER ['PHP_SELF'], substr ('newsletter', 0))) {

    // do something



if(stripos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'],"newsletter") > 0){


should do the same. Stripos, not strpos, because coldfusion is case insensitive, and a simple comparison like ceejayoz would be invalid since it would of course only match a specific file (which, however, might be desirable in many situations, but not the same as yours cfml).



The closest equivalent would be something like:

if($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] == '/newsletter.php') {
  // do something


There will not always be one-to-one equivalence of functions between CF and PHP, and as a result, there will often be more context than you provided.



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