C ++ tree output error

for my class of data structures, we create a data structure that we can use to easily store and organize data. I have a problem with the output function of my tree. The error message I am getting:

AccountDB.cpp: In member function โ€˜void AccountDB::output(std::ostream&) constโ€™:
AccountDB.cpp:23:21: error: passing โ€˜const AccountDBโ€™ as โ€˜thisโ€™ argument of โ€˜void    
AccountDB::output(std::ostream&, const AccountDB::Elem*)โ€™ discards qualifiers [-fpermissive]


I look around and my output code looks very similar to what other people have done. I have no idea and I am at a loss as to what the error is trying to say.

Thank you for your help.



#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

#include "AccountRecord.h"

class AccountDB {

    void insert( const AccountRecord &v );
    AccountRecord * get( const AccountRecord &v );
    void output( ostream &s ) const;

    struct Elem {
        AccountRecord info;
        Elem *left;
        Elem *right;

Elem *root;

void insert( const AccountRecord &v, Elem *&e );
AccountRecord * get( const AccountRecord &v, Elem *&e );
void output( ostream &s, const Elem *e );


ostream &operator << ( ostream &s, const AccountDB &v );




#include "AccountDB.h"

//default constructor
AccountDB::AccountDB() {
    root = 0;

AccountDB::~AccountDB() {


void AccountDB::insert( const AccountRecord &v ) {
    return insert( v, root );

AccountRecord * AccountDB::get( const AccountRecord &v ) {
    return get( v, root );

void AccountDB::output( ostream &s ) const {
    output( s, root );

void AccountDB::insert( const AccountRecord &v, Elem *&e ) {
    if( e == NULL ) {
        e = new Elem();
        e->info = v;

    else if( v < e->info )
        insert( v, e->left );
    else if( v > e->info )
        insert( v, e->right );

AccountRecord * AccountDB::get( const AccountRecord &v, Elem *&e ){
    if( e->info == v )
        return &(e->info);
    else if( v < e->info && e->left != NULL )
        get( v, e->left );
    else if( v > e->info && e->right != NULL )
        get( v, e-> right );
        return NULL;

void AccountDB::output( ostream &s, const Elem *e ) {

    if( e != NULL ) {
        output( s, e->left );
        s << e->info << endl;
        output( s, e->right );

ostream &operator << ( ostream &s, const AccountDB &v ) {
    v.output( s );
    return s;



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2 answers

Your function is output

to be announced const

, so when you call

output( s, root );


the compiler tells you that you are calling a non-const function from within the function const


There are several ways to handle this - you have to make it output

const the other is to make it output

static (if possible).



The error is that

void AccountDB::output( ostream &s, const Elem *e )


is not declared as const

, but you call it from a method const


Change the declaration (and definition) to:

void output( ostream &s, const Elem *e ) const;


You can do this since you don't change any members inside the function.



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