LimitException: Too many query lines: 50001 from count () aggregate function

I have a Visualforce page where I would like to display the number of records in a specific sObject table.

On the Visualforce page, I'll have something pretty simple like:

<p>Client Account Count: {!ClientAccountCount}</p>


Then in the controller:

// Return the number of clients
public integer getClientAccountCount() {
    return [Select count() from Account where SomeCustomField__c = 'Client' limit 50000];


I thought that with the limit clause in SOQL I would be fine as only each would return a maximum of 50,000. However, in practice I still get this exception in the org:

09: 29: 12: 179 SOQL_EXECUTE_BEGIN [108] | Aggregation: 0 | select count () from account where SomeCustomField__c = 'Client' limit is 50000

09: 29: 12: 331 EXCEPTION_THROWN [108] | System.LimitException: Too Many Query Strings: 50001

Is there a safe way to fulfill this request that won't throw an exception that I can't catch?

Oddly enough, if I try the following as an anonymous vertex in production, it works fine and returns 50,000.

integer count = [select count() from Account where SomeCustomField__c = 'Client' limit 50000];


Perhaps the problem is the cumulative number of query lines across all operations that are causing the problem and I need to check the limits in the code before running the query?

There is a similar article on message boards - Too Many Query Strings in COUNT (*) Function . I am unable to tweak the read-only VF page to increase the query string limit.


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1 answer

Doh! I'm pretty sure I need to check the cumulative count of records received by SOQL queries for a query. So while a single SOQL query can get up to 50,000 records, two cannot execute 50,000.

Guess I can use Limits.getQueryRows () and Limits.getLimitQueryRows () to disable SOQL queries if needed.

I changed the getClientAccountCount () method. I believe that only everyone can give an idea of โ€‹โ€‹how many rows there are, since aggregate functions are limited.

// Return the number of ad book clients
public string getClientAccountCount() {
    System.debug(LoggingLevel.Debug, 'getClientAccountCount() - Current Query Rows: ' + Limits.getQueryRows() + '/' + Limits.getLimitQueryRows());
    integer recordCount = [Select count() from Account where SomeCustomField__c = 'Client' limit 1001];
    if(recordCount == 1001) { return '1000+'; }
    return string.valueOf(recordCount);


This idea - Count the SOQL count () query as a single line query seems to make sense.



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