What are the first steps in building Node.js development

I'm basically a front-end JavaScript developer looking for more options for server-side development with Node.js. My current understanding of Node is decent, i.e. I understand what it is, how to install and the basics of running it. I am now interested in help / advice on what to do next to build larger applications. What are the best practices / frameworks for loading and running an HTTP server for my external code (HTML, CSS and JS). I know there are things like soket.io where you have an application working to communicate with the server, but this is the first step I'm interested in. Also, what is best for organizing the code on the server (separating the interface and back the final files on the server). I would also be interested in any advice on setting up the database and interacting with it. I think,that at the moment I will be waiting for something to do with the deployment, but eventually I will be looking into this.

I know this is a lot and I am not looking for someone to answer all of this, just some help pointed in the right direction because I am now. I'm also not inclined to pay for the material (unless it's crazy expensive), so if you've written any books that you think will help someone at my level please point me to it. As always, many thanks to everyone who thinks they can help me.


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4 answers

I would recommend the Express JS framework to you . It's lightweight, powerful, and has amazing documentation.



I would definitely use express.js and mongoose to connect to mongodb to save data. I didn't start with sockets until you understand how nodejs and its callback mechanisms work. It gets complicated and confusing if you don't get it right.

Check out this post.

Looking for nodejs, expressjs and mongodb links to use as a template



If you are new to server side development, I would suggest starting with one of the web frameworks like express .



I would also recommend Underscore.js for writing more concise JavaScript. If you are planning an interface of any significant complexity, I would ditch Backbone.js to help structure your application. And if you are unsure about server side templating, I have had a very positive experience with Jade.



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