NoClassDefFoundError requestfactory with Android connected app engine project

04-02 21: 45: 18.260: E / AndroidRuntime (17850): Called by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.capstonecontrol.client.ModulesRequestFactory

I get an error when ever an android app tries to use any factory object. Everything worked until I updated the plugins for eclipse and now I can't get anything to work. Eclipse was giving me an error in the requestfactory-apt.jar file so I removed it from the factory path and added the jar again and that cleared the compilation error. But now I am getting the above error.

I even tried to create a completely new Android app project and just test the default app and I get the same error. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank!


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1 answer

The new ADT tools require external jars to be placed in a folder named libs at the root of your project.

Once you move your external libraries there, they will be automatically detected by the tools included in your build path and your application will work as usual.



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