Customizing the organizer name with ri_cal

Is it possible to set the hostname using ri_cal?

The RFC shows it like this:

 ORGANIZER;CN="John Smith"


But I can't figure out if there is a way to add the part ;CN="foo"

to the entry ORGANIZER

using ri_cal.


source to share

2 answers

Once stopped, switch to the icalendar gem .



Had the same problem. The solution, oddly enough, is to say "event.organizer_property" instead of "event.organizer" ... like this:

      options = {'CN' => our_event.parent.title}
      organizer_property =,
                                                               :value => url,
                                                               :params => options)
      event.organizer_property = organizer_property


The generated ICS is then correct, as is the CN property between semicolon and colon:

      ORGANIZER;CN=The Bold Italic:http://localhost/clips/3-the-bold-italic




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