Select from multiple tables, remove duplicates

I have two tables in SQLite DB and both have the following fields:

idnumber, firstname, middlename, lastname, email, login

One table has all these settlements, the other does not have an ID or middle name.

I would like to do something like:

select idnumber, firstname, middlename, lastname, email, login 
from users1,users2 group by login;


But I am getting an "ambiguous" error. Doing something like:

select idnumber, firstname, middlename, lastname, email, login from users1 
select idnumber, firstname, middlename, lastname, email, login from users2;


LOOK how it works, but I see duplicates. I understand that concatenation should not allow duplicates, but maybe they are not real duplicates since the second users table does not have all the fields filled in (eg "20, bob, alan, smith, , bob" is not the same as "NULL, bob, NULL, smith, , bob").

Any ideas? What am I missing? All I want to do is dedupe based on "input".



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2 answers

As you say, union

will remove duplicate entries (note that union all

it won't!). Two records are considered duplicate when all of their column values ​​match. In the example you looked at in your question, it is clear what is NULL

not equal to 20

or 'alan'

, so these entries will not be treated as duplicates.


[...] the only way I can think of would be to create a new table [...]

It's not obligatory. I think you can do the following:

select login, max(idnumber), max(firstname), max(middlename), max(lastname),
  max(email) from (
    select idnumber, firstname, middlename, lastname, email, login from users1 
    select idnumber, firstname, middlename, lastname, email, login from users2
) final
group by login


However, if you are sure that you only have different values ​​on idnumber

and middlename

, you can maximize only those fields and group by everyone else.



You can go to an incomplete table to a complete one using your login. Then manipulate the result set programmatically.



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