Has MySQL made it to SQL Server Express (Stored Procedure Specially) for a small e-commerce site running on AWS?

I am sorry if this question is asked. I couldn't find anything recent related to my question. I am currently using SQL Server 2008r2 Express, PHP and Apache on the same AWS EC2 VM for the repository for both my software firewall and my PHP site. All my databases are 10GB compliant. I have relatively low traffic at the moment.

I am considering changing due to the resource hungry needs of SQL Server and the potential cost of having a dedicated machine instance for it, and I have not used MySQL in production before. I am also considering the possibility of working with an outsourced DB, but I am interested in latency and performance. My options in this arena only seem to be SQL Azure, but I'm worried about shock and sticker latency.

I am using a few keywords and functions that cannot seem to find equivalents for MySQL. Any alternatives are appreciated.

I am using the following functions:

  • Table
  • Parameters
  • Parsing XML
  • Stored procedures
  • Geospatial fields
  • Full text search
  • Custom functions

I am using the following keywords:

  • RANK
  • OVER

I'm using the following syntax, which I don't remember what it's called:

   SELECT x, y, z
   FROM TableA INNER JOIN TableB ON TableA.key = Table.key



Thank you Advance!


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1 answer

Stay away from MySQL at all costs. Look at this thread (Saint-creams!), This stream or this for MySQL instances with issues that will lead you into a frenzy, to spend time and generally make you regret that you did not choose.



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