Inverse Elimination in Logistic Regression Using R

I am doing logistic regression in R and doing reverse elimination to get my final model:

FulMod2 <- glm(surv~as.factor(tdate)+as.factor(tdate)+as.factor(sline)+as.factor(pgf)
                                    +as.factor(colos)+as.factor(tb5) +as.factor(respon3)


When trying to reverse the undo script:



I got this error message:

Error in step(FulMod2, direction = "backward", trace = FALSE) : 
  number of rows in use has changed: remove missing values?


This is the second model I run using the inverse function. The first model was fine when I did the reverse undo to get my final model.

Any help would be much appreciated!



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1 answer

In order to successfully execute step()

in your model for the reverse selection, you must remove cases sof

with missing data in the variables being tested.

myForm <- as.formula(surv~
  +as.factor(colos)+as.factor(tb5) +as.factor(respon3)

sofNoMis <- sof[which(complete.cases(sof[,all.vars(myForm)])),]

FulMod2 <- glm(myForm,family=binomial(link="logit"),data=sofNoMis)



In your comment, you mentioned that 1 in 9 cases are missing data. However, I recommend testing this again with the above code, in case some of this flaw is relevant to variables not included in FulMod2

. If you still have many incomplete cases, you can decide a priori if you can eliminate some of the high missing variables.



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