Git clone gets gh pages, I want it to clone master (from Github)

One day, I couldn't remember where my main working directory for my folder was, so I decided to clone the project from "git @" located on the github web page.

I didn't know what I was doing that day and after that I created a bunch of things in the directory. Then I did git add, git clone and git push, (I forgot how). But now I have this branch called "gh-pages" on github site. I really wish I had this branch, but I know.

Today I found my source directory and today I created something in it and did some "add" and "push". It went to the "branch" of the master (which I expected because I kind of gave up hope on another strange branch). But now my problem is:

When my users (I tried this on a different machine myself) make a git clone using the URL that github gives me on my project's homepage), they end up getting the code from the gh-pages branch for some strange reason.

Q1: How do I get them to do a git clone so they can get stuff I was working on today (which is in the master branch).
Q2: how to remove the gh-pages branch from github site? I decided to give it up. If you have a better suggestion, I am also susceptible to that. Q3: Bonus points if you can tell me what I should have done before once I realized that I have two locations on my computer that has code for two separate branches in my project on github.


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3 answers

Q1: git clone http://remote.url/repo.git -b master

Q2: git push origin :gh-pages

assuming this origin

is the remote you want to work with.

BTW, git comes with some pretty good documentation. It can be accessed with

$ git help command



$ git help clone




Q1: change the default branch to master

Based on your description, it looks like your default branch is set to gh-pages

instead of master

. To fix the error, log into GitHub, click on your repository, click on the Admin button, and change the Default section to master


What this means is change the symbolic link HEAD

in your GitHub repository to point refs/heads/master

instead of refs/heads/gh-pages

. When cloning a repository, Git looks at the link to the remote repository HEAD

and uses that as the default branch to checkout. See my answer to another question for details . Usually HEAD

points to refs/heads/master

new bare repositories, but Git (and GitHub) allows you to change it.

Q2: delete a branch gh-pages

A fork gh-pages

is a special branch that GitHub uses to upload content to project pages .

To remove yours gh-pages

from the GitHub repository:

git push :gh-pages



git push --delete gh-pages


Note that the commands above will gh-pages

only remove the branch from the GitHub repository - it will not remove the branch gh-pages

from your local repository. To delete a local branch gh-pages


git checkout master
git branch -D gh-pages





If I understand correctly, you have the same repo cloned twice into two separate folders and each clone has a different branch with some useful code.

I think you need to select the clone you want to keep, then create a new branch with the same name of another clone branch. The following command will create a new branch and check it out automatically.

git checkout -b <other-branch-name>


Assuming another branch has already been pushed to Github, you simply pull it to the branch you want to keep.

git pull --rebase origin <other-branch-name>


If you haven't pushed another branch yet, publish it to the server and upload it.

git push origin <other-branch-name>


Alternatively, you can do straight from source to destination branch, but I don't know how well that works. Disclaimer , never tried it myself in production but I know this is correct and it should work.

git push origin <other-branch-name>:<current-branch>




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