Putting a GWT widget in an extended string

I would like to be able to place widgets in a GWT 2.5 extensible extensible table. To be clear: I saw a showcase here: http://showcase2.jlabanca-testing.appspot.com/#!CwCustomDataGrid and saw that when I do an expanded string, I can override this method:

private void buildContactRow(ContactInfo rowValue, int absRowIndex,
    CellTableBuilder.Utility<ContactInfo> utility, boolean isFriend);


This looks like a very low level method. This example shows how to work with TR and TD:

TableRowBuilder row = utility.startRow();
TableCellBuilder td = row.startTD();


I would like to place widgets in my extended row. Do you have any ideas how to do this? I thought about rendering <div id="foobar"/>

to a cell and fetching that div from the DOM and adding the widget inside, but I'm afraid the div inside the widget (table) cannot be used that way.


As you can see, the question is unrelated to (yet unreleased GWT 2.5). All in all, I'm looking for a solution to bind a widget to a Cell that just displays at the lowest level, eg. DOM built as String.


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1 answer

My final solution was to implement a table VerticalPanel

where each row is HorizontalPanel

. It looks like a table, but it is very easy to change the row widget to ExpandablePanel

with any content in it. Since I don't have to handle huge data sizes (because I'm using paging) this solution was very fast. I made my API look like GWT CellTable

so it was easy to use.



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