Perl mySQL procedure with insert and select not executed on transaction

This is my perl code:

my $dbc = DBI->connect('DBI:mysql:test', "entcfg", "entcfg") || die "Could not connect to database: $DBI::errstr";
$dbc->{TraceLevel} = "2"; #debug mode
$dbc->{AutoCommit} = 0; #enable transactions, if possible
$dbc->{RaiseError} = 1; #raise database errors

###sql commands
my $particle_value = $dbc->prepare('CALL particle_test_value(?,?,?,?)');
my $particle_name = $dbc->prepare('CALL particle_test_name(?,?,?,?)');
my $table_test = $dbc->prepare('CALL table_test(?,?,?)');

sub actionMessage {
    my ($sh,$msgobj) = @_;

    my @result;
    my $return_ID;

    eval {
        $table_test->execute(undef,"value","value"); #new item
        $return_ID = $table_test->fetchrow_array(); #get new row id
    if ($@) {
        warn $@; # print the error


The mySQL operation looks like this:

CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `table_test`(
    v_id INT,
    v_name VARCHAR(255),
    v_value VARCHAR(255)
        INSERT INTO test (name,value) VALUES (v_name,v_value);


If I put $dbc->commit;

after execute

or fetchrow_array

, I get an error . If I remove the row the code works, but I cannot use transactions. If I try to change during the sub, I get this error: . Commands out of sync



Turning off AutoCommit failed

Any help would be much appreciated.


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1 answer

You cannot retrieve values ​​from stored procedures like this.

Make table_test a function:

CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` FUNCTION `table_test`( 
    v_name VARCHAR(255),
    v_value VARCHAR(255)
) RETURNS integer
        INSERT INTO test (name,value) VALUES (v_name,v_value);
        RETURN LAST_INSERT_ID();       
END //


and have $ table_test, use it like a function:

my $table_test = $dbc->prepare('SELECT table_test(?,?,?)');


edit: MySQL stored procedures can actually return results - the result of the SELECT statement inside the procedure is sent back to the SQL client. You found a bug in DBD :: mysql. The above works as a workaround.



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