WPF Popup has black border instead of transparent

I programmatically create a popup for an element in a WPF window and can't get rid of the black border:

Popup with border

var p = new Popup {
     PlacementTarget = target,
     IsOpen = true,
     StaysOpen = false,
     AllowsTransparency = true

// Add the popup content
p.Child = new Views.MapLocationInformation {DataContext = context};


The custom control MapLocationInformation

is defined in XAML as follows:

<UserControl ...
 d:DesignHeight="65" d:DesignWidth="401">

 <Border BorderThickness="1"
        BorderBrush="{StaticResource ExpanderHeaderBorderGradient}"
        Margin="0 0 8 8">

        <Stackpanel> ... </Stackpanel>


I can't seem to find a combination of border, background fill, and transparency setting that will make the black area transparent. Any idea?


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3 answers

Your Popup allows transparency, but does not use a transparent background. Change to:

var p = new Popup {
     PlacementTarget = target,
     IsOpen = true,
     StaysOpen = false,
     AllowsTransparency = true,
     Background = Brushes.Transparent


This should do the trick. Also, the reason the black bit is wider on the right and bottom is due Margin

to yours Border

, which is actually useless. I also suggest that you remove this.



This is caused by the property Background


. Just set to Background


null and AllowsTransparency

to True

to fix it, e.g .:

<UserControl ...




I faced the same problem. The problem is that when the Popup property IsOpen

is set True

too early, transparency does not work as expected.

My solution was to move the parameter IsOpen

to true from the project to the Loaded

popup event .

myPopup.Loaded += (sender, args) => { myPopup.IsOpen = true; };




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