Workaround for get_serving_url doesn't support width / height 'size parameter?

Currently get_serving_url does not support resizing / resizing images independently, instead only allowing square dimensions using the size parameter.

Can anyone suggest an effective workaround for this? It would seem like using images.resize () is the way to go, but it doesn't require re-storing the transformed image in the block store to get the blob_key for get_serving_url?

Hopefully there is a solution that is effective enough not to override the speed advantage of blobstore!

Thanks everyone.


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2 answers

what you need to do is calculate the aspect ratio of the original image to resize it to your desired width and height, after which you should have a calculated size value to go to the serving url and get what you want.

    resolution = '1200x900'
    blob_width, blob_height = resolution.split('x')

    blob_width  = float(blob_width)
    blob_height = float(blob_height)

    width  = float(width)
    height = float(height)
    blob_prop  = blob_width / blob_height

    req_box_prop = width / height

    if req_box_prop == blob_prop:
        scale_factor = blob_width / width
        serving_img_height = blob_width / scale_factor
        serving_img_width  = blob_height / scale_factor

    if req_box_prop < blob_prop:
        serving_img_width  = width
        serving_img_height = width / blob_prop

        serving_img_width  = height * blob_prop
        serving_img_height = height

    serving_img_width  = int(round(serving_img_width, 0)) 
    serving_img_height = int(round(serving_img_height, 0))

    # use serving urls
    side = max(serving_img_width, serving_img_height)


and the side is what you use for your serving url





From the post: "This is actually implemented, but I haven't seen documented anywhere:

  • length of longest dimension: = s180
  • width: = w200
  • height: = h150
  • width and height: = w200-h150
  • cropping with size: = s200-c
  • crop with width / height: = w200-h150-c
  • rotate: = r90
  • rotation union: = w200-h150-r90-c

Here is an example: "



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