SQL node path reconstruction

I have a table that contains the data on which node was visited. It is possible that a node can be visited multiple times. For this I have another table that contains the data of the node visited, the node visited earlier and the node visited after. Now I would like to restore the path in the visited order using MySQL . I can't figure out how to make a request for this, so I'm asking for help here.


Let's say someone visited these nodes in the following order:



The tables look like this:


| id      | user                          | node     | view_count |
| 1       | l3lie1frl77j135b3fehbjrli5    | 4        | 2          |
| 2       | l3lie1frl77j135b3fehbjrli5    | 5        | 1          |
| 3       | l3lie1frl77j135b3fehbjrli5    | 6        | 2          |
| 4       | l3lie1frl77j135b3fehbjrli5    | 7        | 2          |
| 5       | l3lie1frl77j135b3fehbjrli5    | 10       | 1          |
| 6       | l3lie1frl77j135b3fehbjrli5    | 12       | 1          |
| 7       | l3lie1frl77j135b3fehbjrli5    | 15       | 1          |


will revise

| id      | user                          | node  | after_visiting | before_visiting |
| 1       | l3lie1frl77j135b3fehbjrli5    | 4     |       7        |        6        |
| 2       | l3lie1frl77j135b3fehbjrli5    | 6     |       4        |       10        |
| 3       | l3lie1frl77j135b3fehbjrli5    | 7     |      12        |       15        |


I would like to build a query that will return a path as a string or a list of nodes like this:




| index   | node   |
|    1    |   4    |
|    2    |   5    |
|    3    |   6    |
|    4    |   7    |
|    5    |   4    |
|    6    |   6    |
|    7    |   10   |
|    8    |   12   |
|    9    |   7    |
|    10   |   15   |


Any help would be much appreciated.


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1 answer

change your design to have 1 visit table :

+ ---- + ------ + ------ +
| id | user | node |
+ ---- + ------ + ------ +
| 1 | xx | 4 |
| 2 | xx | 5 |
| 3 | xx | 6 |
| 4 | xx | 7 |
| 5 | xx | 4 |
| 6 | xx | 6 |
| 7 | xx | 10 |
| 8 | xx | 12 |
| 9 | xx | 7 |
| 10 | xx | 15 |
+ ---- + ------ + ------ +

<h / "> you can select view_count like this:

select node, count(*) view_count
from visits
where user = :user
group by node


and the path is like this:

select group_concat(node order by id separator ',') path
from visits
where name = :name




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