Match single quotes from python re

How to match the following, I want all names to be contained within single quotes

This hasn't been much that much of a twist and turn to 'Tom','Harry' and u know who..yes its 'rock'


How to extract a name in single quotes only

name = re.compile(r'^\'+\w+\'')



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4 answers

The following regular expression finds all single words enclosed in quotation marks:

In [6]: re.findall(r"'(\w+)'", s)
Out[6]: ['Tom', 'Harry', 'rock']



  • '

    matches a single quote;
  • \w+

    matches one or more characters in a word;
  • '

    matches a single quote;
  • the parentheses form a capturing group: they define the part of the match that is returned findall()


If you only want to find words that start with a capital letter, the regex can be modified like this:

In [7]: re.findall(r"'([A-Z]\w*)'", s)
Out[7]: ['Tom', 'Harry']




I suggest

r = re.compile(r"\B'\w+'\B")
apos = r.findall("This hasn't been much that much of a twist and turn to 'Tom','Harry' and u know who..yes its 'rock'")



>>> apos
["'Tom'", "'Harry'", "'rock'"]


Negative word boundaries ( \B

) prevent matches such as 'n'

in words like Rock'n'Roll



\B  # make sure that we're not at a word boundary
'   # match a quote
\w+ # match one or more alphanumeric characters
'   # match a quote
\B  # make sure that we're not at a word boundary





('hat' or 'caret', among other names) in the regex means "start of line" (or, if specific options are given, "start of line") that you don't like, Omitting this, your regex works fine:

>>> re.findall(r'\'+\w+\'', s)
["'Tom'", "'Harry'", "'rock'"]


Regular expressions suggested by others may be better for what you are trying to achieve, this is a minimal change to fix your problem.



Your regex can only match after the beginning of the line. Try something like:r"'([^']*)'"



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