How do I convert Array <T?>? in Array <T> in Kotlin

I am taking my first steps in Kotlin and trying to write a simple string splitting function. I started with this:

fun splitCSV(s : String) : Array<String> {
    return s.split(",");


Which I think could also be written like this:

fun splitCSV(s : String) : Array<String> = s.split(",");


But I am getting a type error since s.split is returning Array<String?>?

, not Array<String>

. I couldn't find an easy way to do the cast, so I wrote this function to convert:

fun forceNotNull<T>(a : Array<T?>?) : Array<T> {
    return Array<T>(a!!.size, { i -> a!![i]!! });

fun splitCSV(s : String) : Array<String> = forceNotNull(s.split(","));


However, I am now getting a runtime error:

ClassCastException: [Ljava.lang.Object; cannot be applied to [Ljava.lang.String

If I change T in forceNotNull

to String then it works, so I think I am close to a solution.

Is it correct? And if so, how can I fix it forceNotNull

to work in general?


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1 answer

Not sure if this is the best method, but this works:

fun splitCSV(s : String) : Array<String> {
  return ( s.split(",") as? Array<String>? ).sure() ;


While IntelliJ highlights as?

with "This spell will never succeed" ... So my initial optimism fades away

Oddly enough, it looks like it works ...


fun splitCSV(s : String) : Array<String> {
  return s.split(",").sure() as Array<String> ;


But with the same warning ... I'm confused, so I'll stop now: - /


You can of course make it work with List<String>


import java.util.List

fun splitCSV(s : String) : List<String> {
  return s.split(",")!!.map<String?,String> { it!! }


but that's not the question :-)



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