How to create a KMZ file programmatically?

How can I create a .KMZ (google earth file format) programmatically? .KMZ contains a .KML file (XML for location based data) and images in a directory named "files", KML and a file directory compressed together form a KMZ.

Now the challenge is to compress the KMZ files. How can i do this?


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Relevant part of the documentation

The Apple KML example is very simplistic. If you want a more complete parser trait, I would recommend libKML. It fully supports the KML standard and handles KML and KMZ files. The only catch is that it is written in C ++ and uses intrusive pointers, which can be a little painful in Obj-C.

If you really want to write your own parser and just need a way to unzip the files, should work for you.



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