How do I get the Visual Studio Publish option to remove a file from the bin directory?

I have a web application that, when published using the Publish option in Visual Studio, outputs the System.Data.SQLite.dll DLL in the bin directory.

When deploying, this DLL causes a problem, so I have to delete every time after publishing.

Is there a way to automatically remove the th file from the bin directory in what is "posted"?


I did reference the Elmah.dll file, which is then automatically loaded into System.Data.SQLite.dll. The solution is to remove the System.Data.SQLite.dll file from the directory referenced by Elmah.dll.

I found the solution here: Junk SQLite inserted into the trash


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1 answer

Open the Solution Explorer Help section , right-click the link you want to publish, and click Properties (clicking will do the same).F4

In the Properties section, you will find an option named Local Copy . Set the value false

. This should do the trick.



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