How to redirect PHP header header location using PHP generated url

It's pretty simple, but I can't seem to solve it.

I am creating a wordpress site and I want to redirect to my 404 page using PHP instead of javascript.

<?php header("Location:"); ?>


And I use this on my wordrpess sites to get my blog url ...

<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>


But I cannot combine the two PHP scripts, please see my failed attempt below.


    $location = bloginfo('url');

    header( 'Location:' + $location ) ;



This seems to echo my website url instead of redirecting.

Can anyone help me please, thanks.


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6 answers


in wordpress echo information instead of returning it. You must use get_bloginfo


The docs say:

This always prints the result to the browser. If you need values ​​to use in PHP, use get_bloginfo()


The sample will look like this:

header('Location: ' . get_bloginfo('url'));


You are using +

2 strings to concatenate. This is not true in PHP, it +

is a mathematical operator for things like $result = 1 + 1

. You need to use the .

: operator $text = 'hello' . 'world'




Good first right + p.

String concatenation works in php with.


$location = bloginfo('url');

header( 'Location: ' . $location ) ;





try get_bloginfo () instead of bloginfo () and replace + with .



Use this:


    $location = bloginfo('url');

    header( 'Location:' . $location ) ;



You have used Javascript syntax for concatenation in PHP




    $location = bloginfo('url');

    header( 'Location:'.$location ) ;



This should be your syntax.



Use dot (.)

not a plus (+)


header( 'Location:' . $location ) ;




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