How to free vspace in Android emulator

Sometimes when I compile the application on my Android device I get the following errors:

E/HAL(2125): load: module=/system/lib/hw/
E/HAL(2125): Cannot load library: alloc_mem_region[869]: OOPS:    93 cannot map library ''. no vspace available.
E/GraphicBufferMapper(2125): FATAL: can't find the gralloc module


How can I free up the vspace to compile the application again? I've already tried rebooting and shutting down and over the phone, but it didn't work.

The only thing I could find on Stackoverflow on this topic is this unanswered question ...


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1 answer

In the "Additional Emulator Command Line Parameters" section, add the following:

-partition-size 1024


then click on apply and run. If that fails, add instead:

memory -512


If all else fails: Increase the AVD RAM and the maximum VM-VM heap size in the VM options. AVD Manager → Virtual Devices → Edit. It's probably set to 24, first set it to 32, then 48 if it's still NOK.



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