Is it possible to debug Javascript running in an iFrame in IE9

I have a facebook app that has a lot of Javascript that doesn't work correctly in IE (8 and 9), so I would like to use a debugger. Unfortunately the IE JS debugger doesn't let you select Javascript files running in the iFrame and I can't run it directly, since then facebook login doesn't work.

Is there a way to get IE developer tools to recognize Javascript running inside an iFrame?


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1 answer

Make sure you are debugging the script tab first, then search for the function you want to set a breakpoint on. It should highlight / find the script file.

I use IE Developer Tools to regularly debug IFrame based applications.

Do scripts from other domains appear in the original explorer (next to the debug button) in the script tab?


Using this simple test, I have verified that IE Developer Tools will upload scripts to external domains:

<iframe src="" height="400" width="400" />




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