Changing Eventhandler model in knockout.js

I need to know (in JS) when my model (using knockout.js) or rather a property changed.

How to do it?

Here is the code:

function DrawingToolViewModel() {
    var self = this;
    self.drawMode = ko.observable('Line');
model = new DrawingToolViewModel();


Now the assigned HTML element for drawMode will be updated by the model and back, regardless of changes. This is fine, but how can I react in JS if something has changed in the model?


My question was not clear enough, sorry. I know observables, but I want to subscribe to ALL properties without doing it for every single property. More like "notify me if something has changed in the model"


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2 answers

If you want to register your own subscriptions to be notified of changes to observables, you can call their subscription function, for example:

myViewModel.personName.subscribe(function(newValue) {
    alert("The person new name is " + newValue);


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Summarizing the comments below

To be notified of every change in the ViewModel, check Ryan Niemeyer and John papa changeTracker on NuGet



If you want to be notified when a specific property appears, there are several ways to do what you want. One way is to use a function subscribe


model.drawMode.subscribe(function(newValue) {    
   // your js goes in here



However, if you want to be notified when ANY property changes appear in your view model, I would look at this post for creating a dirty flag:

This effectively tracks any changes in your viewmodel so you can tailor them to your needs.



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