IE Applet Life Cycle

The applet lifecycle has four methods: - init () when created - start () when displayed - stop () when no longer displayed - destroy () to free resources

There is an old exception to this that som browsers (Internet Explorer, maybe some others) sometimes i9nvokes init () more than once. We were having some problems with our applet which seemed to be caused by this. But when it fixed it it didn't help ...

Another study found that in fact Internet Explorer not only called init () twice, but also created two instances and called both init () and start () on both. This seems to happen the first time you run the applet, but maybe not the second. Very strange...

What should we do to prevent this?



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1 answer

After a lot of time doing this, I found a solution to this. just use tag <object>

instead of IE.

it works great. but I don't know how it goes.



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