RenderRequest not available in liferay portlet

Why is renderRequest Object available in my JSP file?

It is available in view.jsp file, but not available in other jsp files.

I am getting the error renderRequest cannot be resolved

By the way, I am using Eclipse Liferay IDE.


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2 answers

Make sure the following taglib is included in the jsp

<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="portlet" %>

<portlet:defineObjects />




if you add TLD references in the file

then you can test and if you don't get compilation error ignore errors like renderRequest can not be resolved

in IDE because IDE can show error for various objects referenced by dependency LTD portal like like renderRequest etc. when this jsp gets matched at runtime - TLDs are available in the portal and will compile successfully, but don't forget to include this taglib in your jsps:

<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="portlet" %>
<portlet:defineObjects /> 




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