Using NuGet with TFS on multiple development machines (DLLs that are not copied)

Possible duplicate:
Using NuGet to share code between developers

I recently replaced using a library by explicitly referencing third-party DLLs that are stored in my projects in TFS in the "libs" folder, which allows NuGet to handle such project references. However, when I add a NuGet reference to one machine (for example, in Daniel Crenna's TweetSharp ) the libraries don't seem to show up after extracting the latest version of the project on the other machine. But NuGet thinks they are installed, so I cannot update the installation.

It might be easier to understand with some screenshots. (I'll include small ones with a click and beyond.)

Here's the project references added by NuGet to the original machine:

Screenshot from original machine

and here is the corresponding screenshot from the second computer after getting the latest solution from TFS and restoring:

Screenshot from second machine

You will see that the correct link is in the project, but it has a yellow warning triangle because the DLL is not available, but the NuGet dialog only suggests "uninstall", not "install" or "reinstall".

How am I supposed to use NuGet in conjunction with TFS on multiple development machines?


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