Using GWT as Portlets for Google Sites?

Can GWT be used as a basis for building portlets that are displayed on google sites?

If so, I am assuming that these portlets can simply be hosted on the GAE instance?

Elsewhere, GWT is based on java, but what if the portlets are written in python? I am assuming that Django can be rendered into a google site gadget?




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1 answer

the portlet for the google site will identify the google gadget.

A google gadget is basically a chunk of HTML and / or javascript, and an accompanying XML specification. see for more information .

  • Yes, you can host HTML / javavscript and XML spec on Google Appengine.
  • Yes you can write a Google gadget using GWT, see also GWT Gadgets
  • Yes, you can write gadgets with Django as long as you create valid HTML / javascript and XML spec with Django


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