Specifying a timeout when fetching / placing data in memcache (django)

I have a django based http server and I am using django.core.cache.backends.memcached.MemcachedCache as a client library to access memcache. I want to know if we can set a timeout or something (say 500ms) so that the memcached call will return False if it can't access the cache for 500ms. and we make a call to the database. Is there such a setting for this?


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1 answer

Haven't tried this before, but you can use streams and set a timeout for the function call in the cache. As an example, ignore the example provided in the main body at this link, but take a look at Jim Carroll's comment:


Adapted for use:

from threading import Timer
import thread, time, sys

def timeout():

    Timer(0.5, timeout).start()
    print "Use a function to grab it from the database!"


I don't have time to test it out right now, but I will be worried about whether Django is threading itself, and if so, interrupts the main thread, what do you really want to do? Either way, this is a potential starting point. I was looking for a config option that would allow this and found nothing.



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