How to preserve the order of levels in a data frame?
I just realized that when I use write.table()
to store a dataframe in R, it doesn't preserve the order in which I set the levels of a particular factorial variable.
Checking the levels of views in the iris:
> levels(iris$Species)
[1] "setosa" "versicolor" "virginica"
Changing the order of levels:
> iris$Species <- factor(iris$Species, levels=c("virginica","setosa","versicolor"))
> levels(iris$Species)
[1] "virginica" "setosa" "versicolor"
Saving a data frame and loading it into a new one:
> write.table(iris, 'iris_new.table')
> newIris <- read.table('iris_new.table')
Checking the order of the new data frame:
> levels(newIris$Species)
[1] "setosa" "versicolor" "virginica"
How do I save a dataframe so that I can export it to other R sessions?
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You might want to use save
and load
save(iris,file = "Iris.RData")
will save the R object itself to a file, and then you load it back into the workspace with load
. Don't be confused if it load
doesn't return an object. It loads it into your workspace, so if you type ls()
, you'll see it.
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