Grails Config.groovy file read from file

What's the best practice? I mostly use rabbitMQ and it has a setting for the number of concurrent processes that I deploy as a WAR for the test server and I want to optimize that number of consonants by just changing the value and not creating new WAR files every time.

I think I'm reading a properties file that I can just change the value and restart the server?

Ex: in my config.groovy file

rabbitmq {
    connectionfactory {
        username = 'groovy'
        password = 'groovy'
        hostname = 'localhost'

    queues = {
        processTerritory exclusive: true
    concurrentConsumers = **READ INTEGER VALUE FROM A FILE**



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1 answer

You can import external configuration files from Config.groovy. Config.groovy has already commented out the code that shows how to do this:

grails.config.locations = [ "classpath:${appName}",


Let's say your application name is foo, now you can put foo-config.groovy or somewhere in the classpath. For Tomcat, you can put the file in lib folder.

It is also described in the documentation

Then in foo-config.groovy you can put:

rabbitmq.concurrentConsumers = 10


or any other value suitable for this server.

Grails 3

Grails 3 does not include this feature by default, but you can use the external-config plugin



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