How to make the UITableView footer for a section not sticky

Possible duplicate:
TableView Footer scrolls with table

I want to have a footer for each section that is not sticky and will scroll with a table

- (UIView *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView viewForFooterInSection:(NSInteger)section


This method defines the presentation for the footer, which is sticky.

Thank you in advance


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1 answer

Assuming you have a facility to tell you when you are at the end of the dataset for a specific section, why don't you just tag the custom UITableViewCell

one that appears as the section footer you want? It is very easy to write logic in tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:

that will check if a cell in the dataset is being requested for that particular section. Once the requested indexPath.row

is 1 more data available (usually contained in an array, so if indexPath.row is equal [array count]

), return the footer cell. This will scroll with the table as it scrolls, as it is just another cell. You can make it look like regular cells as you would like.

Also, you will need to tell your table view that there will be one extra row in each section, so if you say something like

return [array count];


Instead, you will need to say

return [array count] + 1;


in your numberOfRowsInSection method.



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