How can you collect files for Inno Setup

I am trying to find a tool similar to heat for WiX that will allow me to collect file and folder entries for Inno Setup. Is there anything available?

Edit: Heat is used to collect mount artifacts (files, folders, registry entries, etc.). from your computer and create the original WiX file. I know that Wise for Windows Installer had a wild card option that performed a similar function. I haven't found anything like this for Inno Setup.

I am trying to include hundreds of files (dozens of folders) of sample projects and data to install our application. They will change between releases, and I was hoping to automate this part of installation authoring.


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1 answer

You can include a complete directory tree using wildcards and recursion, for example:

Source: somewhere\root\*; DestDir: {app}\Data; Flags: recursesubdirs


(If you want to include empty directories, add a flag as well createallsubdirs


There is no direct equivalent of registry entries, but, for example, no. ISTool can convert the .reg file to matching entries [Registry]




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