Query a variable from a MATLAB structure array

I have an array of structures in MATLAB, all of which have the same structure (same fields). I would like to quickly compile an array containing all the values โ€‹โ€‹of a specific field from a struct array. Is there a way to do this without using loops?

Thank you in advance


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1 answer

Suppose your array has a name a

and you have a field b

. Access a.b

gives you a list of field values b

for each item in the a

. If you want to turn this into a list, just wrap the list in []

. I.e:

>> a = [struct('a', 1, 'b', 10, 'c', 100), struct('a', 2, 'b', 20, 'c', 200)];
>> a
a = 
1x2 struct array with fields:
>> a.b
ans =
ans =
>> [a.b]
ans =
    10    20
>> [a.c]
ans =
   100   200


If you have a matrix of structures, you can use the above method to get a vector, which then converts it to a matrix using:

>> reshape([a.b], size(a))
ans =
    10   111
    20   222




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