Enabling mobile payments breaks our native iOS app

Enabling "Enable Mobile Payments" in the app settings prevents our app from appearing in the native Facebook app! Is this supposed to be happening?

We created the application in sandbox mode and used FB.UA.nativeApp()

it to determine if we were in native. In case we are in our native language, we have disabled all our Facebook buttons.

However, now our app is live and when we check the "Enable mobile payments" checkbox in developer settings, the app disappears from native iOS and / or offers an access error (everything works fine on Android). As soon as we cancel the checkout, the app is back in action, but of course all the credit buttons don't work in Android.

It seems odd that Facebook won't let us use credits across all platforms with a single checkbox. Are we doing something wrong or is this something we have to deal with?


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1 answer

Looks like this / or.

β€œAccepting payments is different from iOS as Facebook-Credits is not supported in native iOS apps.

You don't have an app that is native to iOS and Android. (well, you can, but as you saw it won't work). You can have a mobile Internet that serves iPhone and Android, but the iPhone will not be native.

Thanks for the question, I was curious to implement, and wonder if this is a killer for us too.



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