Unable to upload CSV file in Postgresql

I am new to PostgresSQL and I am trying to load data in the following format:

1,57000000000A, A, EN, 0: 01, male, hahaha, "Address is address", 1234567, Not Applicable ,,
walk in and 
scream, papa, 00: 20: 54.02: 17: 41, ABC, 00: 20: 54.02: 17: 41, musical, farm ,, cody, 9, bad 
boy ,,,,, X ,, rest ,,, musical is muscal, John Kotters ,,, 2011-01-01

There are over 10,000 records, and some columns may have NULL data. When I try to do this:

COPY ane FROM 'C:/Program Files (x86)/PostgreSQL/8.4/csv-data/my-data.csv' WITH


I am getting the following error: ERROR: Additional data after the last expected column SQL State: 22P04

I have checked the columns and they are ok. This means no columns are left.

Hope someone can help. Thank you.


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1 answer

It is assumed that

 COPY ane FROM 'C:/Program Files (x86)/PostgreSQL/8.4/csv-data/my-data.csv' WITH


This worked for me



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