Understanding Apache Camel Dynamic Routing

I have installed a simple dynamic router:

    public String slip(String body, @Header(Exchange.SLIP_ENDPOINT) String previous) {
                if (previous == null) {
                    return "mock:a";
                    else if (body.contains("status=2") ) {
                    return "mock:b";
                    else if (body.contains("status=3") ) {
                    return "mock:c";

                // no more so return null
                return null;


Mock a, b, c - routes with custom processors.

public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
        String str_request = "";
        String str_requestNew = "";

        str_request = (String) exchange.getIn().getBody();

            str_requestNew = "status=2";


  • How do I update the message body between routes in my custom cpu via Java DSL. exchange.getOut () setBody (newreq).

  • Do I need to create a new manufacturer and send the message back to the dynamic router? ProducerTemplate template = exchange.getContext (). CreateProducerTemplate (); template.sendBody (myDynamicRouterEndpoint, newreq); or my router will take a new body if it does it using method 1.

Or is there a huge flaw in my logic? :)


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1 answer

You can do this as described in 1.

It's even easier if you are using a bean component. Then you can have a simple Java method to read and customize the body:

public String doSomething (string body) {}

This will get the body in the parameter and the return value will be the new body. This also makes your bean Camel independent.



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