Play! - Waiting for a stack map frame in method controllers

I am using the security module for my game! the app was up and running at some point, but for some reason I did something to make it stop working. I am getting the following errors:

Execution exception VerifyError: Waiting for a stack map frame in method controllers.Secure $ Security.authentify (Ljava / languages ​​/ String; Ljava / languages ​​/ String;) Z at offset 33

In {module: secure} /app/controllers/ (near line 61)

I saw the post below, but although I am using Java 7 it looks like Play! works fine from 7 now. I am using Play 1.2.4.

VerifyError; Waiting for a frame map stack in method controllers. Required. $ Security.authentify

Here is my security controller:

package controllers;

import models.*;

public class Security extends Secure.Security {

    public static boolean authenticate(String username, String password) {
        User user = User.find("byEmail", username).first();
        return user != null && user.password.equals(password);



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1 answer

seems to be a common problem since 1.7 (cobertura has the same problem).

Downgrade to 1.6, make the game clean and it will start working for me again.



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