I need a version of iOS Simulator that includes iPad retina display

I am trying to grab a copy of an iOS simulator that includes an iPad retina display. I followed the advice in this thread by downloading the latest copy of Xcode: https://developer.apple.com/xcode/

However, after downloading this, it hasn't actually updated the simulator, which still lacks retina support for the iPad. Did I miss something?


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1 answer

Ok, I found the answer, and given that there is zero documentation out there, I'm amazed that anyone else was able to find a simulator. Here's how you get there:

  • Right click on the Xcode file and select Show Package Contents
  • Go Content -> Developer -> Platforms -> iPhoneSimulator.platform -> Developer -> Applications -> iOS Simulator

Intuitive, huh?

Why Apple chose to bury what is arguably the most used tool in the entire iOS SDK I will probably never know.



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