Updating Divs on observable collection changes

Is there some plugin or jquery utility that will update my list of divs bound to an observable collection when items are added / removed to that collection? We have 1000 elements, so we are looking for the best way to add / remove divs when the linked list changes.

We'd be interested to hear about this in KO or jquery.tmpl.


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1 answer

This may not be the answer you are looking for, but it might be one way to do it. I would wrap the array in an object that has an Add and Remove method (or some other function that changes the array)

var Collection = (function () {
    var collectionArray = new Array();
    //"private" methods
    function updatePageDivs()
        //Logic to update your Divs
    //"public" methods
        Add: function(element){
            collectionArray[collectionArray.length] = element;
        Remove: function(element){
            //other logic to remove elements and to trigger the updatePage



Now you can call






to change your javascript collection. Both will update your pagers.



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