User ranking model

I am trying to develop a simple game where a group of users can come and play the game. Based on the results of the user's work, they receive a positive or negative score.

I want two parameters to be taken into account by the user weight

(the number of matches he played and his play in those matches), his instantaneous skill sets

. These two values, combined for each user and compared with the results of other users, can give him a score in the current match.

Then, by combining the rating and the previous rating, we can get a new user rating.

I don't want to reinvent the wheel. I tried and came up with this, but it looks pretty naive and I'm not sure how the performance would be in a real scenario.

Pos[i] and Neg[i] are the positive and negative score of the users in a match. 


Step1: Calculate the average score of n people 'for i in range(1, N): sum = sum + Pos[i] Average = sum/N' do the same for negative score. 

Step2: Calculate the Standard Deviation (SD)

Step3: Calculate the weight of the user as follows say the user has played M matches, his weight W will be Mxabs((sum(POS[i])/N1 - (sum(NEG[i])/N2))

(where N1 is the number of times he has scored positive scores and N2 the number of times he scored negative result)

Step4: Current Score = (POSi - SD)xW

Step5: His New Rating = Old Rating + Current Score


Please suggest something standard.


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4 answers

Well it was done here , it takes into account the previous literature and other things. It also shows what the most famous methods are and how they did it.



You should check how the chess ratings are calculated . There are several options to choose from, but I think this should be appropriate for your case.



You can check the ELO ratings used in chess as mentioned in Running Wild. Alternatively, you can also look at the power rating system used in Age of Empires 3. In this post they explain how it works and why they replace the old ELO rating system used in MSN Zone with it.





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